Unlock Your Alcatel LINK ZONE
MW40V Wifi Router
Insert a SIM card directly into your device and spread fast 4G internet with no additional devices. Although compact and easy to fit in any pocket, this mobile router even has a 1800 mAh battery. This allows you to enjoy the Internet not only at home, but also, when needed, on trips or in nature. Without a power outlet, it will be able to spread Wi-Fi internet continuously for up to 7 hours. You can connect up to 15 devices to this router at a time, so you and your friends or family can use it. Indicator LEDs let you see vital information, such as connection strength or battery life, in the blink of an eye. And the fun part is that you can easily control or change settings on your router, either by phone or using a special gadget.
General information
Dimensions 87.6mm x 59.6mm x 12.6mm
Weight (g) 90
SIM Type Micro
Communication and Connections
4G Yes
Wi-Fi Yes
Maximum supported devices 15
LAN connection No
USB connector for microUSB 2.0
Connector for external antenna No
Other connections SIM card interface. The SIM card is inserted directly into the router (no additional modem is required).
2G Yes
3G Yes
Control via mobile app Yes
Battery Capacity (mAh) 1800
How to Unlock Your Alcatel LINK ZONE
MW40V Wifi Router And How to Use All Other Sim card ? :-
Step 1. Make Sure Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V battery Charged At least 25 % , And Remove Default Sim card and Put Another Network Operator Sim card
( Example ” If U bought device from Bite Operator , remove it and insert vodafone SIM )
Step 2. Turn On Your Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V Wifi Router, Now Its says “Invalid SIM ” (or ) Any Other Sim Rejection Message – Do not Worry – Continue Another Step
Step 3. Now Establish Your Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V Wifi Router To Your Any PC/laptop/Iphone/Ipod /Smartphone
Step 4. Make sure Your Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V Wifi Router Connected to Pc/Laptop/iPhone/iPod/SmartPhone
Step 5. Now Open Browser and Enter Your Router Login Page IP address (Or) ( Or )
( u can check default Ip on router back side sticker 192.168.x.x)
Step 6. Now Login your Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V Wifi Router
( Login Id : admin , Password : admin )
Step 7. Now device Automatically Redirect to Enter Unlock code page , Enter Unlock code , Click Apply .
( OR )
(i) Select Settings – Dial up – Unlock device- Enter Unlock code .
(ii) Go to Advanced Settings – SIM Settings – Unlock Device – Enter – Click on Apply.
In settings menu or lan Menu U can Find Unlock Sim Option and Enter Unlock code
Step 8. Now your Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V Unlocked Successfully And Ready to Use ALL Sim Worldwide 5G,4G,3G,2G Permanently !
NOTE :-DO Not Enter WRONG UNLOCK CODE on Your Alcatel LINK ZONE MW40V , Then Your router Will
be Locked Permanently , Use Only genuine Unlock code and Unlock your Router , For Right Code charges
will Apply – U can Purchase Code Here with paypal buy now button 7 USD only unlock within 10 min ,
after paid kindly submit email [email protected] or u can use contact form ” unlock in 10 min ”
After paid u will get unlock ASAP to your email
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